Get Started Guide

Getting Started with Fresh Proposals

Hi there!

As we have been working hard to improve existing features, adding new ones and fixing usability aspects of Fresh Proposals tool, we have prepared this quick started guide for our users.

Once you activate your account, in the web application you will notice menu on left side.

Understanding the Tool Better

Before you start editing proposal or template; it is a good idea to understand how proposal/ template information is organized.

Proposal : This is what you will be sending to your prospect/ client.

Template : It is kind of proposal that you intend to use again and again

Sections : Constituent of proposal/ template. It is like a chapter in a book

Components : Individual elements you would like to see on a given page

  • Each Proposal / Template contains one or more sections

  • New sections can be created inside the proposal or template or using Section Library

  • There can be more than one pages in any given section

  • Each section in turn may contains multiple component such as textbox, image, content table, shapes, signature, video, pricing table

  • Component controls can seen only be seen in Editing mode and it can be dragged-n-dropped to the page as shown below

For a Smooth Ride, Start Browsing Proposal Templates

To explore this tool, you should start browsing existing proposal templates.

Last updated